Saturday, November 22, 2008

Cold Weather and Tree Colors

Today was one of our few cold days and tomorrow is going to be colder, with a low of 32. We start shivering and complaining when it gets below 60. We have such mild winters that we don't always notice the trees changing colors. One day they have leaves the next none, without much in between.
The trees in our backyard are just about 5 years old and this year they are really showing their colors. Our red and burl oaks are beautiful, the unknown tree is full of red leaves, and the bald cypress is a beautiful golden. We are enjoying our little show of fall colors even if we have to have the cold wind and weather to achieve the colors.


ScrapAddict said...

I'm loving the colors & cold! It's funny to see people in HEB wearing winter garb, boots, jackets & such....and it's 57 degreee out!! LOL!

Catherine said...

I just love the changing colors. We are done with our season here, so it's nice to see other people's leaves!

Jennifer Stewart said...

Beautiful photos, Pam! Love your blog template, too. :)
