Sunday, May 17, 2009

You are never too old

to enjoy music. This was filmed at Mayo Clinic.


Margaret Spengler said...

That is too cool! I love it gave me both tears and goose bumps at the same time. Now I want to learn to play the piano.

Catherine said...

This is just priceless! Man, I want to be like this when I grow up!

ScrapAddict said...


Holly Denghel said...

Fantastic. I thoroughly enjoyed that. thanks for sharing!!

Briana said...

They are so cute I want to hug them!! :) I'm from Texas too - McKinney. We got marvelous blue bonnet photos this year. :)

Kara Ward said...

My mom showed me this...oh I loved every second of it. And if you have ever been to Mayo, you know the treasure of a moment of happiness and laughter. Darling blog...I found it from Texas Scrap Addict.